We have made an effort to write answers to all the questions we have received from you so far and even to potentially possible questions related to new products. Before you send us a question, please try to find the answer in the "Frequently Asked Questions" part below this section. If, by any chance, you have not found it, feel free to write to us at info@virtual-acoustic.com or by filling out the form on the right. Please use only English language.

   We will not respond to various promotions, offers, proposals and everything else that is not related to our products, therefore do not waste neither your nor our time.

Contact us


   Be informed about the latest products as well as about promotions and discounts. Enter your e-mail and subscribe to our newsletter. In case you no longer want to receive notifications from us you can unsubscribe by entering your e-mail address and choosing the "unsubscribe" option.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are your products, what are they for and what can I do with them?

Our products are a recreation of real instruments, as much as possible and as much as technology allows. They are used as a simulation, or replacement, of the sound of acoustic instruments for both studio production and even live performances. They are made as soundware for Native Instrument Kontakt and cannot work independently as VST or AU instruments. Only you can use them and you must not give them to others because each of the products has an advanced watermark that identifies you as a customer and user, so you can be prosecuted.
They can also be used for educational purposes, and in case you are a lecturer, feel free to contact us because we have special graphic solutions, as well as discounts, for you. The best example of this is www.accordiononlineacademy.com

What is the difference between the models and which one is most suitable for me?
What do I need for these samples to work?
After the purchase, how long do I have to wait to receive the purchased product?
Is there a boxed version of the products I can choose from?
I bought the product a long time ago which in the meantime got lost. Can I have it again?
I bought some of your products and for some reason I am not satisfied and I would like a refund.
When I load the product into Kontakt, it works for a certain time and then it says that the time has expired and shows DEMO version.
What is the difference between Kontakt and sf2 format?
What is the difference between the legacy and VA2G accordion versions?
I bought the sf2 version of the sample and I can't load it into a hardware or software sampler/sample player.
Do you have a project demo file? Can I have that?
What are your sampled accordions compared to real ones?
Can I have your samples loaded as libraries in NI Kontakt?
I loaded the sample in NI Kontakt but it doesn't make any sound. What to do?
What is the bass version? What are the differences from the treble (right hand) accordion?
Are you planning to make more samples? What else can I expect?
I bought a certain product from you but I didn’t get it. What should I do?
What are the differences between the piano and the button versions of the accordions?
Where can I buy your products?
When I load a product I bought from you, the user interface does not load correctly or there is no sound or the sound is strange.
Aftertouch does not work or behaves strangely.
Why are the prices of VA2G products like that and is there a combination with a discount?
Is there or will be sf2 or some other formats of VA2G models?
What do the names of the VA2G models mean and how do we know which accordion model is sampled?
I bought the product by mistake. What should I do now?


   If you have any suggestion or ideas so that we can improve existing or make new products, feel free to email us at development@virtual-acoustic.com or by filling out this contact form on the right. Please send only serious, constructive and realistic ideas related to NI Kontakt samples. 

   In case the proposal is partially or fully accepted, you will be rewarded depending on the value of the idea. The award is in the form of our products.


Write us a suggestion

We are

Virtual Acoustic

Miloš Petrović

Address: Kraljevica Marka 11, Belgrade, Serbia

Phone: +381 61 6888737

Email: info@virtual-acoustic.com

Working Days/Hours: Mon - Sun / 9:00 - 20:00 (CET)